Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Evaluators, foundations and nonprofits need to examine the “fit” of our existing evaluation approaches with the principles and values that underlie grantmaking and efforts designed to advance equity.
These resources are from CNJG's 2016 Annual Meeting & Holiday Luncheon where the topic of shifting demographics was explored.
Based sardonically on Masterpiece Theatre, Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers’s Structural Racism Theater introduces the viewer to concrete examples of structural racism and implicit bias. It’s edgy, dryly humorous, “shareable,” and an incredibly different direction for WRAG. The first episode, "The Pernicious Compromise," focuses on the timely topic of the Electoral College and its connection to the Three-Fifths Compromise.
Based sardonically on Masterpiece Theatre, Structural Racism Theater introduces the viewer to concrete examples of structural racism and implicit bias in an edgy, social media-friendly way. In "Darkness in Emerald City," we look at the relationship between implicit bias and institutional racism.
Research shows that one of the greatest impediments to a prosperous future for all of Michigan's people is unequal access to resources. To help foundation leaders and their boards begin essential conversations about marginalized populations and determine the extent to which their organization's culture and grantmaking practices are aligned with a commitment to expanding opportunity in the communities they serve, CMF developed this discussion guide and self-assessment.
In the final session in Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers's Putting Racism on the Table series (2016), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Dr. Gail Christopher discussed the role of philanthropy in addressing racism and racial inequity.
In the fourth session of Putting Racism on the Table (2016), James Bell, founder and executive director of the W. Haywood Burns Institute, focused on mass incarceration.
In the fifth session in WRAG's Putting Racism on the Table series (2016), Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity at the University of Southern California, discussed the experience of nonblack racial minorities in America, the implications of demographic change, and the urgent need to invest in equity.
In the third session of Putting Racism on the Table (2016), Julie Nelson, Director of the Government Alliance on Race & Equity, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, focused on implicit bias.
Funding Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Support, looks at how funders collaborate with and bring support to indigenous communities around the world. Through examples from a diverse range of foundations, this guide explores how grantmakers work with indigenous peoples, the approaches they take, and the practices they find effective.