Member Discounts
Through CNJG's partnership with the United Philanthropy Forum, Council on Foundations, and other colleague organizations, CNJG is pleased to extend these discounts to our members on a variety of products and services.
Alliance Magazine
CNJG members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on new print and digital subscriptions to this magazine for philanthropy and social investment worldwide providing news and analysis of what’s happening in the sector.
Amalgamated Bank
Amalgamated Bank provides high quality service and expert financial support to CNJG and its philanthropy members. As America’s socially responsible bank, Amalgamated offers banking and investment products specifically designed for foundations to help align your money with your mission. CNJG members can access free or discounted banking, along with a preferred private banker.
Community Foundation Services
This includes a national listserv for CEOs of community foundations, two in-person boot camp trainings a year, and a $400 discount on the On-Line Community Foundation Express Training.
D&O Insurance
CNJG-endorsed insurance program by Affinity Nonprofits and The Hartford offers D&O, Fiduciary Liability and other coverage to members at a discounted rate. Coverage is available in all states.
Family Philanthropy Online Knowledge Center & Webinars
Access cutting edge resources in family philanthropy through discounted subscriptions to NCFP’s online knowledge center and monthly webinars.
The Foundation Review
Get a 20% subscription discount for your organization on a quarterly peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy, written by and for foundation staff and boards and those who work with them.
Foundation Legal Help Desk
The Help Desk is designed to provide foundations with access to answers to legal questions related to the operations of a foundation.
Inside Philanthropy
Get a discount of 25% off the subscription price for new subscriptions for CNJG members. Every day, Inside Philanthropy editors and journalists seek to bring more transparency and accountability to philanthropy at a time that it's having a growing impact on America and the world through their reporting.
Stanford Social Innovation Review
For a discounted price CNJG members can subscribe to Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR), whose mission is to advance, educate, and inspire the field of social innovation by seeking out, cultivating, and disseminating the best in research- and practice-based knowledge.
ValuesAdvisor is a nonprofit that offers a searchable database of values-oriented investment advisors, who have been suggested by other trusted affinity groups. The platform offers a simple and dynamic interface that allows investors to filter advisor information on data points such as minimum account size, amount of values-aligned AUM, impact themes, service offerings, asset classes, diversity, and other key information. Note: the platform does not collect user data and is committed to preserving the anonymity of the asset owners who use the platform.
For more information on any member benefits, please contact Craig Weinrich.