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Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups

CNJG affinity and interest groups provide a valued forum through which New Jersey grantmakers can connect, exchange information, and learn from experts in a wide range of fields and sectors. Members with a focus on a particular geography or issue meet on a regular basis and are self-organized. For additional information or to discuss forming a new group, contact Chanika Svetvilas.

Camden Funders Affinity Group

Camden Funders Affinity Group provides a valued forum for grantmakers working in Camden to connect and exchange information and to hear from stakeholders working in benefit of Camden. 

Culture Funders Affinity Group

The Culture Funders Affinity Group includes private and public grantmakers working in the arts and humanities across New Jersey. It aims to maximize the leadership potential and grantmaking abilities of those interested in developing a strong and thriving arts community in New Jersey. 

Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy Affinity Group

The Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy Affinity Group’s mission is to nurture, develop and support professionals in the philanthropic sector across all departments/roles within foundations. Programming for the Emerging Leaders group is geared towards early and mid-career professionals and will serve as: a professional learning community for emerging professionals working in diverse positions; an opportunity for professional development and individual capacity-building that will lead to institutional change within the member organizations; and as a critical partner in the creation of a pipeline into senior/executive leadership in NJ philanthropy. 

Environmental Grantmakers Affinity Group

The Environmental Grantmakers Affinity Group formed in 2007 to provide a network and sounding board for environmental grantmakers who share an interest in: (1) insuring a healthy environment for all residents of the Garden State; (2) preserving, restoring and regenerating natural resources, including air, water, land, energy resources, as well as native flora and fauna; and (3) encouraging solution-based responses to resource challenges, wiser use of resources, and sustainable practices at individual, public agency small business and corporate levels. 

Finance & Investment Affinity Group

The Finance & Investment Affinity Group brings together grantmakers of all types and sizes to discuss financial market trends and to exchange strategies to help ensure the greatest endowment growth. At each meeting, the latest market performance reports and commentaries are also discussed. 

Funders for NJ Education Affinity Group

The Funders for NJ Education Affinity Group connects those making grants in support of education and provides interested members with insights into current initiatives, research findings, and best practices. Past topics of discussion have included analyses of school funding, innovative educational programming, measuring teacher effectiveness and youth development programs and have included roundtable discussions of emerging trends and key issues. 

Funders for Strong and Thriving Communities Affinity Group

The Funders for Strong and Thriving Communities Affinity Group is an intrastate, inter-disciplinary network of public and private investors interested in enhancing the quality-of-life of the residents that live within New Jersey communities, through place-based investment or philanthropy. The group aims to draw upon and leverage the knowledge of public and private sector experts in the field of community development; including affordable housing, economic development, job creation, neighborhood building, and services to children and families. 

Health Funders Affinity Group

The Health Funders Affinity Group is a collaborative network of grantmakers dedicated to advancing a holistic and intersectional view of health across New Jersey. This group provides a platform to exchange grantmaking strategies, funding priorities, best practices, and valuable insights while fostering collaboration to address health-related challenges and opportunities across diverse populations and life stages.

New Jersey Corporate Philanthropy Network Affinity Group

The New Jersey Corporate Philanthropy Network Affinity Group convenes corporate funders whose giving footprint includes New Jersey. Meetings cover such topics as current and emerging trends in strategic philanthropy, the business case for Corporate Social Responsibility, marketing/branding, sponsorships, employee matching gifts, employee engagement/volunteerism, and more. Best practices are shared and opportunities for collaboration are offered. A traditional Round Robin, where current burning issues/questions are discussed closes out the meetings. We hope you will join us at an upcoming event.

Newark Funders Affinity Group

The Newark Funders Affinity Group began in 2010 as a result of the convening work being done by CNJG’s Newark Philanthropic Liaison. The group meets quarterly hearing from elected and community leaders in the city, stakeholders and others to better understand investments and needs, all with the goal of leveraging grantmaking for greater impact.  

Newark Education Funders Affinity Group

The Newark Education Funders Affinity Group provides a forum for New Jersey grantmakers to work in tandem with the School Superintendent, Mayor’s Office, and other philanthropies concerned with Newark Public Schools. These regional and national funders are working together to find successful solutions that will insure the success of Newark students.

Paterson Funders Affinity Group

The Paterson Funders Affinity Group helps facilitate awareness of work by nonprofits and funders in Paterson, foster collaboration, and improve the lives of Paterson residents. Past meetings have focused on information regarding funder projects in the city, including some new grants made and lessons learned on ongoing projects in the areas of education, health and nutrition, arts and culture, and civics.

Trenton Area & Mercer County Funders Affinity Group

The Trenton Area & Mercer County Funders Affinity Group’s goal is to explore the most pressing needs and issues in the Trenton and Mercer County region and to uncover ways to leverage resources and develop solutions to this community’s greatest concerns. Past meetings have included roundtable discussions on the unique needs of the Trenton area and guest speakers that highlighted the dynamic interrelationship between the City of Trenton and the State of New Jersey. 

CNJG’s 2024 Affinity Group co-chairs (name/affinity group):
Front row: Sharnita Johnson/Culture Funders; Leslie Walker/Camden Funders; Bill Leavens/Environmental Grantmakers; Julia Stoumbos/Paterson Funders; Chanika Svetvilas/CNJG’s Manager of Programs and Learning
Back rows: Theresa Jacks/CNJG’s President and CEO; Kevin Callaghan/CNJG’s Newark Philanthropic Liaison; Shakirat Odunsi/CNJG’s Manager of Communications; Julie Holland/Paterson Funders; Katherine Nunnally/Trenton Area and Mercer County Funders; Jasmyne Beckford/Newark Funders; Monica Hall/Emerging Leaders; Erik Estrada/Camden Funders; Jessica Nugent/Health & Aging Funders; Sharif Braxton/Health & Aging Funders; Liz Crowley/Environmental Grantmakers
Not pictured: Tammy Herman/Culture Funders; Alana Vega/Emerging Leaders; Rich Riberio/Finance & Investment; Paul Stierhoff/Finance & Investment; Jessica McKenzie/Newark Education Funders; Pat Hartpence/NJ Corporate Philanthropy Network; Etta Denk/NJ Corporate Philanthropy Network; Kortney Swanson Davis/ Education Funders; Melissa Litwin/Education Funders

Current Vacancies (as of 4/2024): Trenton & Mercer County Funders (1); Strong & Thriving Communities Funders (2); Newark Funders (2)