COF Grantmaker Salary & Benefits Survey
CNJG encourages its membership to participate in the Council on Foundations’ annual salary survey to help shape the future of philanthropic compensation.
The Council on Foundations’ 2025 Grantmaker Salary and Benefits (GSB) Survey is now open. The deadline to complete the GSB is Wednesday, May 28, 2025.
Since 1980, the GSB has provided the philanthropic sector with the most comprehensive data on staff composition and compensation in the United States. Grantmakers rely on the findings from this annual survey to plan budgets, benchmark personnel policies and practices, determine salary levels for new and existing staff, and more. Those who complete the survey will receive a free copy of the report (a $598 value), early access to the report’s data tables, and access to create custom benchmark reports.
CoF’s full survey will be published in fall 2025. More information and the survey may be found on the Council on Foundations' website.
Any and every philanthropic organization is invited to participate. Membership is not required with either the Council on Foundations or Council of New Jersey Grantmakers to participate in the survey. For more information, including a list of FAQs, visit the Council on Foundations' website or email the Council on Foundations communications team.
CNJG incorporates the data from this annual survey into our triennial Philanthropy Benefits & Salary Summary Report, most recently published in 2023. CNJG plans to update our report in 2026 again using the data from the Council on Foundations’ survey.
CNJG encourages our members and all philanthropic organizations in New Jersey to complete the CoF survey each year, as this benchmarking data is frequently asked for by our members. The more foundations and other philanthropic organizations that complete the survey, the better and more statistically relevant data we will all have.
For additional information or questions, please contact Craig Weinrich at CNJG.