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National News Articles

National News Articles

These articles are curated from news sources, philanthropic-focused publications, philanthropy serving organizations, and other places found on the internet. We encourage philanthropic organizations to read, share, and use the strategies suggested in these articles for your own diversity, equity, and inclusion learning journey. If there are others that you feel we should include, please contact us.


Chronicle of Philanthropy: Philanthropy Pours More Money Into Advancing Economic Wealth of Latinos (10/13/2022)

ABC News: Two New Jersey towns illustrate the race gap in the COVID pandemic (5/13/2022)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: General Operating Support Is Vital to Advancing Equity, Strengthening Nonprofits, Say Leaders (4/18/2022)

MacArthur Foundation: Movement to End Philanthropy’s Complicity in Anti-Blackness (4/18/2022)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Nearly 500 Foundation Leaders Unite to Push for More Support of Asian Americans (3/26/2021)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: As Violence Against Asian Americans Intensifies, the Moment for Philanthropy to Act Is Now (3/17/2021)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: How One Family Foundation is Evolving to Refocus on Racial Equity (3/16/2021) Many Adults Do Not See Link Between Racism, Poorer Health (1/27/2021)

Stanford Social Innovation Review: How to Begin Considering a Gender Lens Investing Strategy (12/10/2020)

Nonprofit Quarterly: How to Welcome Native Leaders to the Philanthropic Sector (12/3/20)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Opinion Piece: Diversity Mandates from Foundations Maki It Harder for Nonprofits to Do Their Jobs Well (12/2/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Invest in and Strengthen People of Color: A Corporate Grant Maker Explains How (11/17/2020)

Nonprofit Quarterly: White House Declares Ban on Federal Racial Equity Trainings (9/14/20)

Nonprofit Quarterly: White Supremacy: Call It By Name (9/14/2020)

Denver Post: How Donors Can Advance Racial Equity (9/14/2020)

ROI-NJ: NJ to recognize Juneteenth as official state holiday (9/11/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: The 'Warping Effects' of Philanthropy (8/25/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Companies Lead Philanthropic Response to Calls for Racial Justice, but Will It Last? (8/25/2020)

Exponent Philanthropy: Moving Towards Racial Equity in Philanthropy: Introducing an Anti-Racist Intersectional Frame (8/25/2020) Your 3-Step, Uncomplicated Formula for a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workplace (7/30/2020)

Inside Philanthropy: “A Moment of Reckoning.” How Can Funders Support an Equitable and Inclusive Arts Sector? (7/16/2020)

Generocity: Uprising in Philadelphia: A to-do list for the next six months (7/9/2020)

Boston Globe: The Problem is White Supremacy (6/29/2020)

Inside Philanthropy: Amid Demands for Change, Here’s How Philanthropy Can Back Underfunded Black-Led Group (6/18/2020)

Nonprofit Quarterly: This Moment Shows Us Why Philanthropy Should Reinvent Itself by Gislaine Ngounou, of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation (6/17/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Who Holds Philanthropy Accountable for Racial Justice? by Lisa Pilar Cowan, vice president of Robert Sterling Clark Foundation (6/16/2020)

Creative New Jersey: Summary and resources from their statewide conversation on Racial Justice  (6/10/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: 64 Black Foundation Leaders Tell Philanthropy to Go Big in Response to Pandemic and Police Killings  (6/10/2020)

Stanford Social Innovation Review: Mass Decarceration, COVID-19, and Justice in America by Deanna Van Buren co-founder of Designing Justice + Designing Spaces and F. Javier Torres-Campos, Thriving Cultures Program Director at Surdna Foundation (6/9/2020)

Communications Network: Crowdsourced Anti-Racism Resources and Tools Privilege, power, and personal conflicts: The forces preventing change in nonprofit and philanthropy by Vu Le (6/8/2020)

Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia: Articles and Resources from the webinar: The Crisis of White Supremacy in America: What’s Philanthropy’s Role (6/4/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Dismantling Racism Might Require Philanthropy to Dismantle Itself by Lisa Pilar Cowan, vice president of the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation (6/2/2020)

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Why All Grantmakers Should Seek to Fix Democracy by Suzette Brooks Masters, senior strategist at the Center for Inclusion and Belonging at the American Immigration Council (6/2/2020)

Southern Poverty Law Center: Authoritarian State or Inclusive Democracy? 21 Things We Can Do Right Now by Eric K. Ward, Senior Fellow (6/1/2020)

Nonprofit Quarterly: Dear Philanthropy: These Are the Fires of Anti-Black Racism by Will Cordery of Leverage Philanthropic Partners LLC & Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (6/1/2020) Have nonprofit and philanthropy become the "white moderate" that Dr. King warned us about? by Vu Le (6/1/2020)

Library Journal: Books on Anti-Racism (5/31/2020)

Stanford Social Innovation Review: Overcoming the Racial Bias in Philanthropic Funding by Cheryl Dorsey, Peter Kim, Cora Daniels, Lyell Sakaue, & Britt Savage (5/4/2020)

Stanford Social Innovation Review: For a More Equitable America, Understand Race and Racism as Actions We Do and Can Undo by MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus & Jeanne Tsai (5/1/2020)

Jacobin Magazine: The Perils of Liberal Philanthropy by Karen Ferguson (11/2018)

Smithsonian Magazine: The 1968 Kerner Commisssion Got It Right, But Nobody Listened by Alice George (3/1/2018)

Continuum Chart on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization by Crossroads Ministry (2013)

The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture  from Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups (2001)

Resource Generation: Guidance for Giving to Black-led Organizations for Black Liberation (undated)

Prison Policy Initiative: Prison Gerrymandering Project how the Census Bureau counts people in prison (undated)