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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Bridgespan published this list of racial-equity funds that emerged from their experience, at the request of multiple funds and potential investors, and alongside the launch of a new racial-equity theme in the IRIS+ family of impact measurement and management guides. It comprises more than 160 funds that explicitly seek to improve the livelihoods of individuals who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and their communities.

Audience: All Funders

This report by the Council on Foundations and part of their Values Aligned Philanthropy project, looks at the eco-system provide a baseline for identifying gaps, best practices, and next steps to addressing this problem.

This survey shows a clear relationship between a focus on racial equity and good grantmaking and governance practices. Even though a growing number of funders are focusing on racial equity, foundation boards and staff lack racial diversity. To be powerful allies in the movement for racial equity, leanly staffed foundations must evaluate themselves first.

Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity published this report showing philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice and racial equity from 2015-2018 and a preliminary analysis for 2020

Audience: All Funders

This publication builds on the principles outlined in Strengthening Nonprofit Capacity and will take a critical look at the ways in which capacity-building practices can be grounded in approaches that acknowledge and center racial equity.

Audience: All Funders

This second edition of the Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals (DAPP) Report offers a snapshot of the philanthropic sector’s workforce in a very specific space and time — in the chaotic year that was 2020.

Audience: All Funders

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation published this collection of resources, perspectives, and articles on how racism affects our collective and individual health.

Audience: All Funders

Responding to the urgency of this moment in time, Asset Funder Network’s new brief is reimagining and building on past recommendations to map more just paths to economic resilience moving forward.

This “How to Collect and Share DEI Data” guide is a resource for the field and has been written with nonprofits who want to start collecting their organization’s data in mind.

Audience: All Funders

The 2021 CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity will guide you beyond diversity and inclusion commitments to the heart of the business opportunity ahead: addressing the intended and unintended impacts of your products, services, operations, policies, and practices on people of color and low-income communities, with key recommendations across the three domains of corporate influence: within the Company; within the community; within society.

Audience: Corporate Giving
