Newark Philanthropic Response to COVID-19 Webinar 9

On this webinar, we were joined by Kerri Logosso-Misurell, Executive Director of the Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition, for an update on her work as we consider health systems, access, and a path forward. After Kerri’s presentation, Dr. Denise Rodgers provided her thoughts and a health update, and we heard from Catherine Wilson for an update on the Community COVID-19 Fund.
Kerri Logosso-Misurell, Executive Director, Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition
Dr. Denise Rodgers, Chair, Newark Homeless Commission and Chair of Believe in a Healthy Newark
Catherine Wilson, President and CEO, United Way of Greater Newark
Kevin Callaghan, Newark Philanthropic Liaison, CNJG
Cost: Free for CNJG Members/ $35 for Non Member Grantmakers
Webinar Video