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Newark Funders

Please join us for our first Newark Funder Affinity Group Meeting of 2025

Audience: All Funders

Join us as the Newark Funders Affinity Group discusses a collective funder response to the needs expressed by Newark’s nonprofit leadership.

Audience: All Funders

Join us as the Newark Funders Affinity Group discusses a collective funder response to the needs expressed by Newark’s nonprofit leadership.

Audience: All Funders

Please join us for a combined meeting of the Newark Funder Affinity Group and the Newark Education Funder Affinity Group to discuss the recently released Measure of America report, A Portrait of Newark.

Audience: All Funders

Please join us as we kick-off our 2024 meetings with a discussion on the Vote 16 campaign.

Audience: All Funders

The rising cost of housing, a limitation on supply of affordable housing stock, and economic shocks and disruptions have led to an increase in homelessness across the United States.

Audience: All Funders

Join us for our next Newark Education Funder meeting as we explore how funders can support a community approach to literacy, including the recently released Ten Point Literacy Plan.

Audience: All Funders

Join our first Newark Funder Affinity Group meeting of the year as we discuss effective practices in wraparound support and advocacy for new immigrants to the area.

Audience: All Funders

A discussion on the trip back from COVID-19, and how we help to re-engage our teachers, students, and families after a two-year disruption.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: COVID-19

Discussion with small business leaders/entrepreneurs in Newark

Audience: All Funders
Topic: COVID-19
