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There is widespread and growing recognition in the nonprofit sector about the importance of evaluation — not only for measuring impact, but also for improving programs and better serving communities. While grantmakers generally see evaluation as necessary, most are not yet investing enough resources in this area.

Audience: All Funders
This publication takes an in-depth look at what it means to open our learning and evaluation practices to grantees, other funders, community members, government agencies and others involved in the work.
Audience: All Funders
This toolkit includes a number of tools for Steering Committee Working Groups as they form, determine strategic direction, develop implementation plans, and identify measurement indicators.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Governance
Strong leadership is critical for effective social sector organizations, yet the sector chronically underinvests in its leaders. This publication synthesizes findings from new research conducted by the authors and offers recommendations for grantmakers.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Governance
Under-resourced communities are going without because nonprofits can't meet demand. Americans —particularly those in low-income communities—are still struggling to secure jobs, affordable housing, and healthcare. Nonprofit Finance Fund’s 2015 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey focuses on the underlying causes of these dynamics by exploring the programmatic, financial, and operational issues facing nonprofits across the U.S.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
Donating money to modify public thinking and government policy has now taken its place next to service-centered giving as a constructive branch of philanthropy. Many donors now view public-policy reform as a necessary adjunct to their efforts to improve lives directly. This book was written to help donors navigate the obstacles of public-policy philanthropy.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking

The 2014 New Jersey Foundation Benefits & Salary Report provides a valuable benchmarking resource, developed and compiled for exclusively for CNJG members. The first section, the 2014 Benefits Summary Report: New Jersey includes benefits data related to employment, leave, retirement, costs and more. The second section, the 2014 Grantmaking Salary Tables: New Jersey, Tri-State Area and National Data provides compensation across a wide range of positions and grantmaking entities, and includes salary data from the Council on Foundations’ 2014 Grantmakers Salary Survey.

Audience: All Funders

In Supporting Grantee Capacity: Strengthening Effectiveness Together, GrantCraft looks at how funders approach building capacity with grantees. Through examples from foundations ranging in size, mission, and geography, we explore various strategies for capacity building and the types of awareness that funders can choose to incorporate in decision making to facilitate informed, thoughtful judgments about strengthening organizations.

Audience: All Funders

Published by Foundation Center and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, this report provides a snapshot of funding for disasters by the largest U.S. foundations.

Audience: All Funders

Developed by the Southern Law Poverty Center, the guide (available in pdf and website formats) provides advice and suggestions for responding to everyday bigotry in a variety of settings-- among family, among friends and neighbors, at work, at school, and in public.

Audience: All Funders
