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Research shows that one of the greatest impediments to a prosperous future for all of Michigan's people is unequal access to resources. To help foundation leaders and their boards begin essential conversations about marginalized populations and determine the extent to which their organization's culture and grantmaking practices are aligned with a commitment to expanding opportunity in the communities they serve, CMF developed this discussion guide and self-assessment.

Audience: All Funders

In the final session in Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers's Putting Racism on the Table series (2016), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Dr. Gail Christopher discussed the role of philanthropy in addressing racism and racial inequity.

Audience: All Funders

In the fourth session of Putting Racism on the Table (2016), James Bell, founder and executive director of the W. Haywood Burns Institute, focused on mass incarceration.

Audience: All Funders

In the fifth session in WRAG's Putting Racism on the Table series (2016), Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity at the University of Southern California, discussed the experience of nonblack racial minorities in America, the implications of demographic change, and the urgent need to invest in equity.

Audience: All Funders

In the third session of Putting Racism on the Table (2016), Julie Nelson, Director of the Government Alliance on Race & Equity, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, focused on implicit bias.

Audience: All Funders
Traditionally, funders have asked grantees to report on compliance with grant requirements. But these reports don't show the difference a grantee is making with a funder's money. This report looks at how leading grantmakers are tackling the transition from compliance reporting to performance management.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
This report examines the reasons for the tech training hype and proposes a taxonomy of training programs, cataloging best practices from each program type. The report also identifies challenges that organizations, employers, and the government will need to address to ensure these expanding programs accurately meet market demand and look to the future of tech training more generally.
Audience: All Funders

Capacity building enables nonprofit leaders and organizations to develop the skills and resources they need to improve their work. This publication offers practical guidance and considerations to help grantmakers design an impactful approach.

Audience: All Funders
This guide introduces grantmakers to the benefits of software automation and provides them with tools to use when considering a move to a new grants management system.
Audience: All Funders

This Playbook is the comprehensive resource of best practices and innovative approaches to guide the philanthropic community in preparing for and responding to future disasters.

Audience: All Funders
