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This case study of the Council of Michigan Foundations' Peer Action Learning Network (PALN) is part of a report from New York University's Wagner Research Center for Leadership in Action. It explores the power of learning communities to build connections and knowledge to increase organizations’ community impact.

Audience: All Funders

The legal staff at the Packard Foundation, Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and Moore Foundation developed this free, first-of-its-kind resource, which covers the basic legal rules around what staff are allowed to fund and engage in at a private foundation.

Audience: All Funders

Although co-funding is not a new idea recent efforts have contributed to a more sophisticated understanding of how to ensure that co-funding arrangements have the desired impact. This report is part of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations' Scaling What Works initiative.

Audience: All Funders

In this report, the Colorado Trust and Innovation Network chronicle the Trust's strategy for funding advocacy and provide a strategic evaluation for their successes and failures.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking

How Can Grantmakers Focus on Nonprofit Talent to Grow Impact? explores the importance of supporting nonprofit talent development, the unique talent needs of nonprofits seeking to grow their impact and how grantmakers can help.

Audience: All Funders

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations' Collaborative Funding for Greater Impact explains the mechanics of forming and managing a co-funding partnership and offers takeaways for how this experience can apply to other communities.

Audience: All Funders

Find key terms frequently used to describe philanthropy in this glossary developed by the United Philanthropy Forum.

Audience: All Funders

Creating a New World of Learning: A Toolkit for Changemakers is a guide to help individuals and organizations become active catalysts and creators of a new world of learning. This new world of learning will:

Audience: All Funders

This report offers succession planning through leadership development an alternative to the status quo.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Governance
