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Resource Guide

Planning to Win: The Just Enough Guide for Campaigners uses a six-step process to help organizations and coalitions build effective plans that lead to winning behavior, corporate or policy change campaigns.

Audience: Corporate Giving
A marketing and publicity guide from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities.

The legal staff at the Packard Foundation, Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and Moore Foundation developed this free, first-of-its-kind resource, which covers the basic legal rules around what staff are allowed to fund and engage in at a private foundation.

Audience: All Funders

A working glossary of terms to help shape a common language for work in Community Capacity. 

Find key terms frequently used to describe philanthropy in this glossary developed by the United Philanthropy Forum.

Audience: All Funders
This guide was designed to help the state’s philanthropic community understand their ethical, legal, and fiduciary requirements and obligations.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Governance

While donor collaboration is not a new concept, the new economic reality has more and more families, foundations and companies looking towards collaboration as a tool to increase their impact on the issues they care about

A User's Guide to Advocacy Evaluation Planning was developed for advocates, evaluators, and funders who want guidance on how to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
There are many ways to start a giving circle. These 10 steps can give you a starting point and a basic roadmap.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
This includes insights and tips related to board governance, legal compliance, grantee communications, fiscal responsibility, public disclosure, and many other key areas of foundation governance and operations.
Audience: All Funders
