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Resource Guide

CNJG's 2018 Annual Meeting & Holiday Luncheon pre-meeting workshop with Michelle Greanias from PEAK Grantmaking focused on how foundation CEO’s, program officers, staff, and trustees could engage internally to put values-based grantmaking into practice. 

Audience: All Funders

Evaluators, foundations and nonprofits need to examine the “fit” of our existing evaluation approaches with the principles and values that underlie grantmaking and efforts designed to advance equity.

Audience: All Funders

For this suite of resources, GrantCraft captured the wisdom of philanthropic leaders who have participated in multi-party advocacy collaboratives and conducted a literature scan of how foundations talk about advocacy-focused collaborative work.

Audience: All Funders

These resources are from CNJG's 2016 Annual Meeting & Holiday Luncheon where the topic of shifting demographics was explored.

Audience: All Funders

State and National disaster relief organizations and resources for funders and individuals.

Foundation leaders have a unique opportunity to serve as powerful champions of their missions. Partnering with your grantees can amplify your impact. The following guide is designed to help you start having an honest conversation in the boardroom; a conversation about your foundation’s goals, approach, and, most importantly, vision for the future.

Audience: Board/Trustees
Topic: Governance

Capacity building enables nonprofit leaders and organizations to develop the skills and resources they need to improve their work. This publication offers practical guidance and considerations to help grantmakers design an impactful approach.

Audience: All Funders
This guide introduces grantmakers to the benefits of software automation and provides them with tools to use when considering a move to a new grants management system.
Audience: All Funders
In partnership with the National Center for Family Philanthropy, CNJG members have complimentary access to Family Philanthropy Online — a web-based knowledge center that provides practical advice and knowledge on a variety of relevant topics.
Audience: Family Foundation

This Playbook is the comprehensive resource of best practices and innovative approaches to guide the philanthropic community in preparing for and responding to future disasters.

Audience: All Funders
