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PSO, State, and Government Resources

PSO, State, and Government Resources


Resources gathered from our colleagues at other philanthropy-serving organizations, state nonprofit associations, and city, state, and federal governments.

Philanthropy Serving Organizations Resources

Candid: Funding Summary for Global Philanthropic Response

Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Philanthropy’s Role in Recovery Webinar - Held 2/13/2020
COVID-19 Coronavirus: How Philanthropy Can Respond Webinar - Held 3/5/2020
COVID-19: Past Epidemics and Vulnerability - Lessons for Funders Webinar and Webinar Slides - Held 3/26/2020
COVID-19: Making Effective Rapid Response Grants Webinar and Webinar Slides - Held 4/14/2020
COVID-19: Managing Multiple Disasters Amid the Pandemic Webinar - Held 4/28/2020
Report: Philanthropy and COVID-19 in the First Half of 2020 - May 2021
Report: Philanthropy and COVID-19 Measuring One Year of Giving - March 2021
Report: Philanthropy and COVID-19 Examining Two Years of Giving - May 2022

Center for High Impact Philanthropy: COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources

Council on Foundations
Philanthropy’s Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Resource Page
Sharing Approaches to COVID-19 Community Response Webinar and Webinar Slides - Held 3/12/2020
Funders: Sign the Council on Foundations’ Pledge to act with urgency, loosen restrictions, reduce what you ask of non-profits, contribute, communicate, and listen.

Exponent Philanthropy:
Resources for Lean Funders
Blog: How Lean Funders Are Responding to COVID-19

Funders Together to End Homelessness:
COVID-19 Response and System Redesign: Recommendations for Philanthropy to Support Solutions to End Homelessness

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations: Smarter Grantmaking Practices During—and Beyond—COVID-19

Minnesota Council on Foundations: Coronavirus Webinar and Webinar Slides - Held 3/4/2020

National Center for Family Philanthropy
COVID-19: Response and Recovery Resources
Family Philanthropy’s Response to COVID-19 Webinar - Held 3/27/2020

National Center for Responsive Philanthropy: Local Foundation Funding for Immigrant & Refugee Groups

Philanthropy New York
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Preparing for COVID-19: Philanthropy’s Response in Times of Crisis Webinar - Held 3/12/2020

Philanthropy Network of Greater Philadelphia: Philanthropy’s Response to the Coronavirus 

United Philanthropy Forum
3/12 Letter to Congress - Include Nonprofits in Coronavirus Package
3/18 Letter to Congress - Nonprofit Community COVID-19 Stimulus Letter

State Nonprofit Association Resources

New Jersey Center for Nonprofits: Resources for Non-Profits in Response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Outbreak
1st Rapid Response Survey Report
2nd Rapid Response Survey Report

Washington Nonprofits: Open Letter to Funders

Government Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

City of Newark: News & Updates

Federal Emergency Management Agency: A Guide to the Disaster Declaration Process and Federal Disaster Assistance

NJ Department of Health: Up-to-date Information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in New Jersey

State of New Jersey: COVID-19 Information Hub

U.S. House of Representatives: House passes HR 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act 

World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Additional Resources

Condon O’Meara McGinty & Donnelly, LLP: Guidance for Private Foundations