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Update on CNJG Programs

Update on CNJG Programs

Monday, July 8, 2024
It was great seeing so many of you at the CNJG 2024 Spring Colloquium: A Conversation for the Social Sector. This biennial signature event brought together 150 philanthropic and nonprofit leaders across the state for a day of shared learning and networking focused on Empowering the Future: Harnessing AI and Data for Philanthropic Social Impact. The gathering was a tremendous success in helping social sector leaders consider how their organizations can influence AI systems aligned with mission and community.

The Colloquium heard from an extraordinary line-up of morning and afternoon speakers, including Dave Cole, NJ Chief Innovation Officer. Clearly, the government is – and must be - on the front lines to ensure that AI ethically and responsibly benefits society. Having Dave join the panel served yet another function - introducing NJ’s philanthropic sector to the NJ Office of Innovation. One of CNJG’s important roles is connecting members with potential partners in government.

And while we’ve been deep in planning for the Colloquium, that’s not all we’ve been focused on. Over the past few months, CNJG has been at the forefront of fostering crucial dialogues between the philanthropic sector and state government, exploring philanthropy's role in civic engagement and democracy, and organizing a new convening for NJ’s nonprofit and philanthropic sector to engage in public policy collectively.

In partnership with the New Jersey Center for Nonprofits, we hosted two informational sessions for the Office of Legislative Services. In April, Center president and CEO Linda Czipo and I presented “Understanding NJ’s Nonprofit and Philanthropic Community: Role, Impact, Myths and Facts” to OLS staffers. Educating government officials and staffers about the social sector provides a grounding for future collaboration and potential partnerships. Additionally, because OLS is charged with drafting bills and conducting analysis on the impact of legislation, it is particularly important to have a good understanding of the charitable sector’s role in nurturing thriving communities. We hosted a second session in May focused on “Nonprofit Startup and Compliance Issues: A Legal Review.” Attendees came away with a working knowledge of the 501c3 family, state, and federal reporting requirements, tax rules, and an overview of the Center’s efforts to convene expert practitioners to recommend updates to the NJ Nonprofit Corporation Act in line with the modernization already done on the NJ Business Corporation Act. Attendees received continuing legal education units for session 2. Special thanks to William Engel, CNJG Policy Committee co-chair and president of the Union Foundation, and Frances A. McElhill, Archer & Greiner, long-time champion for the nonprofit sector, for joining Linda and me to present this session.

In June, we brought back one of our signature programs - Conversations with the Cabinet. Nearly 25 funders met with Commissioner Jacquelyn Suárez, NJ Department of Community Affairs, at their Trenton office to discuss current priority areas and possible opportunities for NJ’s philanthropic community to partner with state government on areas of mutual concern. We’re grateful to Commissioner Suarez and Assistant Commissioner/Director of Housing and Community Resources Janel Winter for their comprehensive presentation. As part of our discussion, we asked our friends at DCA to share examples of how philanthropy might leverage funding. One of the examples that Assistant Commissioner Winter shared was considering philanthropic investment in approved projects through the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program, which, while highly rated, does not receive funding due to a lack of corporate investment. If you could not attend the meeting and would like to learn more about these approved projects and other DCA programs, please get in touch with DCA Special Policy Advisor Renee Koubiadis. I’m also happy to provide an e-introduction to Renee.

On June 24, I was pleased to join several CNJG members at a funders’ briefing hosted by the Community Foundation of New Jersey and the NJ Civic Information Consortium. The Consortium provides grants to “foster increased civic engagement to organizations building and supporting local news and information in communities” in our state. During the briefing, we were introduced to Press Forward, a national movement led by inaugural director Dale Anglin to “strengthen our democracy by revitalizing local news and information.” Dale has deep roots in NJ, having served as Associate Director of Programs at the Victoria Foundation and co-chair of the Newark Funders Education Affinity Group for many years. 

Looking ahead, don’t miss our first-ever Summer Joint Policy Forum – Nonprofit and Philanthropic Champions for New Jersey, on August 13, hosted by CNJG and the Center. The nonprofit and philanthropic communities are important contributors to well-informed policies for all residents of our state. This inaugural policy forum convening of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders and allies will discuss current and emerging nonprofit and philanthropic policy issues, voter engagement, and ways we can all become more involved.

As we look ahead, it has never been more important that philanthropy seeks out opportunities to partner with government, promotes civic engagement, and contributes to a healthy democracy. Among CNJG’s six policy priorities outlined in our policy agenda, we support a healthy democracy, engaged communities, and a collaborative environment between nonprofits, government, and philanthropy to move forward with this work. The connections forged during these – and future – engagements will serve as a foundation for an even more significant impact.


Theresa Jacks, President and CEO
Council of New Jersey Grantmakers