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Policy World Wednesdays

Policy World Wednesdays

Wednesday, May 14, 2025 -
12:30pm to 1:30pm EDT
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Join us every month to discuss all things policy, including the latest developments at the federal, state and local levels; legislative insights and advocacy opportunities; and to share any other policy or advocacy issues currently on your organization’s radar. Network with, and learn from, other changemakers to help stay abreast of current trends, build partnerships and strengthen advocacy skills for increased influence in public policy matters. Whether you’re new to advocacy or an experienced veteran, we hope we'll see you there!

We will meet the second Wednesday of each month of 2025, from 12:30pm-1:30pm via Zoom.

You must be a staff or board member of a nonprofit or philanthropic organization to participate. Preregistration is recommended but not necessary. (You will need to sign in to participate.) Don’t miss this chance to help shape the future of nonprofits and philanthropy in New Jersey!

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