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Culture Funders Affinity Group: Follow the Money: How National Conversations are Transforming Pay Equity in New Jersey’s Cultural Sector

Culture Funders Affinity Group: Follow the Money: How National Conversations are Transforming Pay Equity in New Jersey’s Cultural Sector

Thursday, September 26, 2024 -
10:00am to 11:15am EDT
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Culture Workers often face inconsistent income and undervaluation of their work. Traditional budgeting models leave many without (or lack adequate support of) fair compensation using the belief that mission-motivation and passion for the work replaces the need for competitive salaries. The Solidarity Economy is an innovative and inclusive economic framework that prioritizes social justice, environmental sustainability, and community well-being. Join us for a compelling conversation about funding practices that use a solidarity-based approach and find out what New Jersey funders are learning about local compensation trends from the ArtsPay NJ report. Together we will explore ways to advocate and take action around worker pay equity and beyond.

John McEwen, Executive Director – New Jersey Theatre Alliance
Erica Nagel, Deputy Director – New Jersey Theatre Alliance
Eddie Torres, President & CEO – Grantmakers in the Arts

Diane Felcyn, Program Officer – New Jersey State Council on the Arts

Cost: Free for CNJG Members; $50 for Non Member Grantmakers


Solidarity Not Charity: Arts & Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy - Grantmakers in the Arts
Solidarity Economy Resources - Grantmakers in the Arts
Grants to Worker Cooperatives & Small Businesses — The Reader - Grantmakers in the Arts
Grantmakers’ Changes in Practice 2023  — The Reader - Grantmakers in the Arts
Support for Individual Artists’ Committee - Grantmakers in the Arts
ArtsPay NJ - New Jersey Theatre Alliance
ArtsPay NJ - Information, Reports, and Dashboard
ArtsPay NJ - Interactive Dashboard
ArtsPay NJ - Full Report
ArtsPay NJ - Summary Report

Upcoming: Wednesday, October 23
Move the Money: Nuts & Bolts: Making Grants to Cooperatively Owned Small Businesses

Move the Money: Grantmakers in the Arts & Art.Coop Solidarity Economy Discussion Series
Move the Money Series: Guaranteed Income
Move the Money: The Richness of Southern Soils: Supporting Black Farming and Food
