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As a follow-up to our Giving in Indiana study (released earlier this year), Indiana Philanthropy Alliance is pleased to share this snapshot of promising practices for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in Indiana philanthropy.

Grantmaking at the Crossroads is a workbook designed to provide foundations with a new grantmaking methodology that works at the intersection of place, population, and issue.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
This new nonpartisan resource provides data about foundations and their democracy-related grantmaking in a structured, contextualized, and visual format. Foundation Funding for U.S. Democracy was created through a partnership of eight funders in the field, including the Rita Allen Foundation, and is being developed by the Foundation Center.

In a 2013 survey, funders were asked about the biggest transparency challenges they faced. The highest response was “not enough clarity around practical steps for being transparent.” This guide from GrantCraft & Glasspockets is helping foundations open up with clear action steps.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking

A key objective of the Scaling What Works initiative has been to translate insight and learning from grantmaker intermediaries involved with the Social Innovation Fund and share them with the broader philanthropic community. The fifth guide in the Lessons Learned series presents the benefits and challenges of partnerships between local and national funders, and highlights key considerations for both kinds of funders to foster success in their collaboration.

Audience: All Funders

This piece from ORS Impact captures five key insights to guide organizations as they develop ongoing Measurement, Learning, and Evaluation plans to achieve greater social impact.

Audience: All Funders

This workbook from Idealware and NTEN addresses the disconnect between the tactical work of collecting and tracking data and the strategic work of defining and using the data for the organization's mission.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking

Attention to the role of gender is most useful with programs that seek to change unhealthy behaviors, such as reproductive health and teen pregnancy, gender-based violence, substance abuse and educational under-achievement.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
Snapshot: Trends and Strategies to Engage Employees in Greater Giving reveals the most dramatic shift in employee giving over the past decade.
Audience: Corporate Giving
Topic: Grantmaking

In this report, the Colorado Trust and Innovation Network chronicle the Trust's strategy for funding advocacy and provide a strategic evaluation for their successes and failures.

Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
