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Corporate Philanthropy/CSR

CNJG member Novartis, benchmarked Employee Crisis Programs, and asked fellow corporate funders via the corporate funders listserve to answer the questions below.

Audience: Corporate Giving

BD contacted the Corporate listserve to ask questions to benchmark Community Service/Volunteer Paid Time Off Policy & Internal Company Guidelines for Volunteer Councils. They are formalizing some of their programs and wanted to see what other companies are doing. 

Audience: Corporate Giving

A new pilot study from The Conference Board and the Impact Genome Project® (IGP) introduces standardized social outcomes to help measure and compare the performance of societal investments. 

Audience: Corporate Giving

First published in 2011, this updated guide from BSR is a response to developments over the last seven years, all of which necessitate a far clearer focus on stakeholder trust by corporations. This report aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit that incorporates the latest thinking while maintaining the clarity and practicality of their five-step approach.

This handy reference tool contains the definitions for over 250 cause marketing industry terms used by savvy businesses and nonprofit organizations. 

A corporate member asked for what other corporations do regarding employee’s goal and objectives. Do they include volunteerism or volunteer activities as part of an employee’s review, or their annual goals?

Audience: Corporate Giving

It’s well established that employee engagement, defined as a willingness to do more than the job minimally requires, drives corporate performance. This report examines one potential driver of employee engagement - corporate volunteering, defined as employer-organized opportunities for employees to support a charitable cause or otherwise make a positive social impact with their contribution of time.

Audience: Corporate Giving

This report explores how companies are integrating diversity and inclusion into their corporate citizenship and responsibility priorities. With support from the Walmart Foundation, CECP led a year-long inquiry to identify and share actionable insights and best practices that corporate leaders can learn from and apply in their own companies. The report identifies six key D&I trends, as well as case studies, latest knowledge, methods, and valuable insights.

Audience: Corporate Giving

In this paper, they examine the current health ecosystem, evolving stakeholder expectations, the unique position of life sciences and health care foundations to effect critical change,and alternative engagement models with demonstrated track records of success on an international scale.

A CNJG corporate member request for policy samples to work around the scenario in which a corporate policy of not supporting religious organizations in their grantmaking, causes problems helping during a disaster.

Audience: Corporate Giving
