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Please join us to share our work, brainstorm solutions, and discuss areas of common interest.

Audience: All Funders

70 years after Brown vs. The Board of Education, segregation and resource inequities continue in New Jersey schools. Discussion will center on the lawsuit brought by 9 families with a coalition of civil rights, faith, and social justice groups.

Audience: All Funders

Please join us as we kick-off our 2024 meetings with a discussion on the Vote 16 campaign.

Audience: All Funders

Join us for our next Newark Education Funder meeting as we explore how funders can support a community approach to literacy, including the recently released Ten Point Literacy Plan.

Audience: All Funders

Join our speakers from the NJ Office of Resilience, NJ Department of Education, and the Foundation for Educational Administration to find out more about the Healing Centered Engagement program and Transforming Early Childhood Leadership Institute

Audience: All Funders

Join our fall Newark Education Funder Affinity Group meeting for a discussion on learning acceleration.

Audience: All Funders

Join Rosie Grant and Doris Salgado of Paterson Education Fund; Farhanna Sayegh, first lady of Paterson; and Melissa Litwin of The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation to learn about New Jersey's Paterson Reads.

Audience: All Funders

Part I: Supporting the social and emotional health of our communities

Audience: All Funders

Learn about community colleges as a pathway to success for students in New Jersey, and philanthropy’s role in supporting more accessible, affordable, and flexible higher education models.

Audience: All Funders

What can over a million teachers tell us about the needs of schools? This report digs into the data from 1.8 million teacher requests on the crowdfunding site DonorsChoose to tell the story from inside today's classrooms. We feel this data provides a roadmap for funders seeking to support students directly, but also for funders seeking broader reform of U.S. education policy and systems.

Audience: All Funders
