Member Benefits
Many of your organization's key priorities — innovative grantmaking, sound management and governance, strategic partnerships — are of paramount concern to other New Jersey philanthropies as well. CNJG is the go-to center for information, connection, and leadership among a growing network of grantmakers and philanthropic organizations throughout New Jersey. Members have access to exclusive benefits and services and a powerful link to fellow funders who share a commitment to addressing critical issues affecting citizens and communities across the state.
Memberships are for the entire organization, so your entire philanthropic team (staff, trustees, and more) can access these benefits:
Show your support of CNJG by adding a Proud Member of CNJG Logo to your website.
CNJG offers quarterly New Member Orientations either via Zoom or in person for any new member organization, or new staff or new Trustees at your organization. In the interim times, CNJG can come to your office or lead a virtual orientation just for your organization.
Invite CNJG staff to present at your board meeting on a variety of topics: benefits of CNJG membership; trends in philanthropy; policy issues affecting philanthropy, or another topic of interest to you and your organization. Please contact us to arrange.
CNJG Programs
CNJG offers over 80 programs per year that focus on peer learning, best practices, professional development, networking, and updates on certain topics that affect and influence your work. Most are free for members, and members receive a significant discount to any programs with a fee, including our signature events: Spring Colloquium, Spring Conference, and Annual Meeting of Members. Read about the different events and programs we offer.
Highlights of Website
Online Resources - hundreds of resources, tools, documents, templates and more to assist you in your work.
Leverage the New Jersey Principles for Philanthropy to promote continuous learning and reflection at your organization.
Take action to decrease the power imbalance between philanthropy and nonprofits through our joint initiative with the New Jersey Center for Nonprofits, Doing Good Better.
Read through a plethora of information on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion work; philanthropy's disaster response, including COVID; and past CNJG work.
Find and connect to your peers using our online member directory. Only logged-in CNJG members can see full contact information for member organizations and their staff and/or trustees.
Benchmark the benefits you offer your staff and trustees, and compare salary rates for staff using our triennial Philanthropy Benefits and Salary Survey. Last published in 2023, we’ll be asking for your information in 2026. The salary data is gathered by the Council on Foundations through their annual Grantmaker Salary and Benefits survey.
Discover peers funding in similar areas through Affinity Groups and corresponding listserves.
Post any available philanthropic jobs at your organizations for free on our job board.
Save on administrative costs through several different discounts on a variety of products and services for grantmaking organizations.
Through the website and our member newsletters, CNJG can share your grant award announcements, personnel changes, and articles or announcements from your organization with our membership, informing them of your activities. Please email CNJG’s Manager of Communications Shakirat Odunsi with links to the announcement on your website, so we can include in our own communications.
Public Policy Updates and Advocacy
CNJG keeps its members informed of public policies that affect grantmaking institutions and their non-profit partners. Members can attend Foundations on the Hill (a joint program of the United Philanthropy Forum, the Council on Foundations, and Independent Sector), or read about CNJG’s work on the 2020 Census. We plan on revisiting this work for the upcoming 2030 Census.
Read through CNJG’s Policy Agenda, that guides our policy work on behalf of all the CNJG membership, under the direction of CNJG’s Policy Committee of the Board.
CNJG though our membership with the United Philanthropy Forum, we share programs and information from our fellow ‘philanthropy-supporting organizations’ from across the country that offer insights and policy strategies for philanthropy.
Newark Philanthropic Liaison
A model for the country, CNJG’s Newark Philanthropic Liaison, in collaboration with Newark’s Office of the Mayor, harnesses interest, attracts resources, and fosters greater effectiveness towards policy and programmatic areas affecting Newark’s residents.
CNJG News: Emailed at the start of each month, CNJG News provides timely information on members, member benefits, job announcements, and more. Please share your grants news, personnel changes, and announcements with us to include!
Grantmaker Learning Calendar: Bi-monthly emails describing upcoming programs for members.
Corporate Philanthropy Brief: Distributed monthly to the contacts of all CNJG’s corporate members, the Brief offers links to articles that help you learn more about CSR and how to get the best results from your giving.
Family Ties: A monthly e-publication specifically for CNJG’s family foundation members offers helpful articles, news, and tips for managing the unique needs of this brand of philanthropy.
You can also follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
2023 New Jersey Philanthropy Benefits & Salary Summary Report: Produced every three years, this detailed benchmarking report looks at the benefits offered by philanthropic organizations to your staff and trustees. Salary information is provided by the Council on Foundations’ annual salary survey.
Disaster Philanthropy Playbook: A partnership with the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, in association with the United Philanthropy Forum, the Disaster Philanthropy Playbook website, created in response to Superstorm Sandy, brings together a meaningful compilation of early stage response ideas, tested models and innovative strategies employed by funders throughout the world after any natural or human-created disaster.
What Every Grantmaker Should Know & Frequently Asked Legal Questions: an “oldie but a goodie” guide to help the state’s philanthropic community understand what the ethical, legal, and fiduciary requirements and obligations are for grantmaking organizations, no matter the size of grants.
Add Your Leadership Voice to a CNJG committee
Membership in the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers offers grantmakers the opportunity to deepen their experience with the organization by serving on a Board committee, co-chairing an affinity group, or serving on CNJG’s board of trustees. Committee members lead, recommend and develop policies that help us shape our organization. Affinity Group co-chairs work with CNJG staff to develop programs for the members. The Board offers fiduciary and governance responsibilities for the entire organization.
Unique Benefits for Specific Members
For Family Foundations:
Family Ties newsletter
Family Philanthropy Online webinars with National Center for Family Philanthropy; offered every month
Family Foundation listserve
Family foundation members can access family foundation resources in the National Center for Family Philanthropy’s Knowledge Center.
For Corporate Members:
Corporate Philanthropy Brief newsletter
A New Jersey Corporate Philanthropy Network Affinity Group
Corporate Funders listserve
For Community Foundation Members:
DAF holders and component funds, like Impact 100 groups, can attend CNJG programs at the member rate. Please share relevant programs with interested DAF holders.
DAF holders can also receive CNJG News and our calendar emails should they choose
CNJG staff can introduce CNJG to your DAF holders at any of your gatherings
Community Foundation CEO listserve, which connects to a national listserve of Community Foundation CEOs from across the country.
To learn more about CNJG membership, contact Craig Weinrich.