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Building Immigrant Women’s Economic Power

Building Immigrant Women’s Economic Power

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT
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CNJG is pleased to extend an invitation from our colleague PSO, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) for this webinar.

With wage inequality impacting the ability of women – particularly women of color – to receive fair compensation for their labor, GCIR will host a webinar discussion on strategies for supporting the economic empowerment of immigrant and refugee women. Given the particular workforce complications that can arise in relation to immigration status – and the potential impact of the termination of DACA workforce authorizations on hundreds of thousands of individuals – this session will focus on entrepreneurial strategies as well as labor union efforts to improve economic opportunity.

Cost: Free for Members and Non Members
You will need to register for a free web account on GCIR’s website before being able to register (much like the process to register for an account on CNJG’s website).

Event Type: 