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The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers is the center for philanthropy in New Jersey, serving the leading independent, corporate, family and community foundations as well as public grantmakers of our state.  We support our members by strengthening their capacity to address New Jersey and society’s most difficult problems. We also access the resources of the philanthropic community – funding, expertise, leverage - to provide leadership on statewide issues.


CNJG envisions a healthy, thriving, and civically engaged New Jersey where people of all places, racial identities, socio-economic backgrounds, abilities, and identify expressions are valued for their gifts and talents, and we can all reach our full potential and participate generously in the common good.


The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers supports and elevates New Jersey’s philanthropic community through shared learning, collaborative and trusting relationships, network building, and leadership.

CNJG extends philanthropy’s contribution to a changing society.

Philanthropy is dedicated to the public good. It joins the public and private sectors to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities across the U.S and the world. The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers is the network of and for philanthropy in our state.

Our members elevate their practice of philanthropy by working with their donor colleagues and learning from experts in their field. CNJG is able to broker partnerships and alliances to solve problems, leverage shared resources, and forge sustainable solutions to bring about long-term change. This is essential when faced with fragmented systems, insufficient resources, and needs that seem only to be growing.

Whether you are a funder meeting society’s most urgent needs, addressing how sectors operate at a systems level or focused on problem solving and influencing policy, CNJG can help you maximize your impact.