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State and National COVID-19 News Articles

State and National COVID-19 News Articles


These articles have a philanthropic focus. We encourage grantmakers to read, share, and use strategies detailed here.

5/13/22 - ABC News: Two New Jersey towns illustrate the race gap in the COVID pandemic 

NJTV: LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the Coronavirus in New Jersey

3/16/21 – Denver Post: On Philanthropy: Pandemic puts nonprofits in peril – what donors can do

9/9 – NPR: NPR & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Poll: Financial Pain From Coronavirus Pandemic 'Much, Much Worse' Than Expected

8/26 – Center for Disaster Philanthropy: $12 Billion Pledged Worldwide to Fight COVID-19 through June 2020

8/25 – Generocity: Changing Metrics for Impact: The Emergence of a New Donor-Grantee Business Model

8/19 – Good News Network: Generous American Are Giving More to Charities Through The Pandemic, Survey Says

6/8 – Chronicle of Philanthropy: How Foundations Can Make Covid Research Grants More Equitable

6/5 – Governing Magazine: The America Ethos and the Betrayal of Expertise

5/19 – Nonprofit Quarterly: COVID-19 Calls for Philanthropy to Redefine Urgency

5/13 – Nonprofit Quarterly: Will Philanthropy Stand Up for Black America?

5/11 – Nonprofit Quarterly: Deer Eyes, Circle Mind: Reflections on Pandemic & Philanthropy

5/8 – Inside Philanthropy: Pandemic Philanthropy: Moving From Relief to Power

5/5 – NY Times: In Philanthropy, Race Is Still a Factor in Who Gets What, Study Shows

5/5 – Funders Together to End Homelessness: COVID-19 Response and Recovery: Recommendations for Philanthropy to Support Immediate Needs and Long-Term Solutions to End Homelessness

5/5 – Chronicle of Philanthropy: Op-Ed: Flexibility for Grantees Is Not Enough. Let Them Decide Where the Money Goes

5/5 – Chronicle of Philanthropy: Op-Ed: Change Is Too Rapid in Covid-19 Era to Tie Nonprofits’ Hands With Old Rules

5/4 – Bridgespan Group: Racial Equity and Philanthropy: Disparities in Funding for Leaders of Color Leave Impact on the Table

5/4 – Stanford Social Innovation Review: Overcoming the Racial Bias in Philanthropic Funding

5/1 – Stanford Social Innovation Review: For a More Equitable America, Understand Race and Racism as Actions We Do and Can Undo

4/30 – National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: Large Funder Quadruples its giving in response to COVID-19

4/30 – Chronicle of Philanthropy: How the 25 Biggest Grantmakers are Responding to the COVID Crisis

4/30 – Chronicle of Philanthropy: In Covid-19 Crisis, Philanthropy’s Attention Must Focus on People With Disabilities

4/30 – Inside Philanthropy: A Time for Reform: Philanthropy and the Push for Better State Policymaking

4/28 – Newsweek: Why the Coronavirus Pandemic is Philanthropy's Big Moment

4/23 – Bridgespan Group: Want to Support Your Community’s Equitable Recovery from COVID-19? Invest in Child Care

4/21 – Center for Effective Philanthropy: Essential Questions for Foundation Boards in a Time of Crisis

4/20 – LA Times: Charity is off the charts amid the coronavirus. Is that a sign of America’s strength or weakness?

4/20 - Nonprofit Times: Foundations Paying Out, Expect Deep Recession (quotes from Community Foundation of New Jersey)

4/17 - Nonprofit Quarterly: Why Grantmakers Need to Break Their Restriction Habit—Permanently

4/16 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Philanthropy’s Stimulus Plan Must Bolster Democracy

4/16 - Nonprofit Quarterly: How Philanthropy Can Support Black Workers

4/15 - A Call for COVID-19 Grants Data

4/15 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: In This Crisis, Philanthropy Must Tackle 3 Existential Challenges All At Once

4/14 - Bridgespan Group: Four Ways for Community-Focused Philanthropy to Confront the Coronavirus Crisis

4/9 - Inside Philanthropy: COVID and the Count: Funders Confront New Challenges to the 2020 Census

4/9 - Forbes: COVID-19 And Aging: What Can Philanthropy Do?

4/7 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: The Coronavirus Crisis Has Changed How I View What Matters in Philanthropy

4/7 - Coronavirus: 10 ways to avoid becoming victim of a scam

4/7 - Washington Post: Coronavirus is a Totally Different Disaster for Philanthropies to Handle

4/6 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Small Nonprofits Struggle to Get Payroll Loans in New Federal Program

4/6 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Foundations and Nonprofits See Crisis as Opportunity to Advance Equity

4/3 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: What Philanthropy Can Do Now to Promote Education Equity After the Pandemic

4/2 - Inside Philanthropy: The Hardest Hit: Who is Supporting Communities of Color During COVID-19?

4/2 - Nonprofit Quarterly: Philanthropy, Meet Our Matrix Moment: Which Pill Will You Choose?

4/1 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Grant Maker Dilemma: Spend More Now or Protect Shrinking Endowments?

4/1 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Foundations Adopt Policies to Move More Money Faster, and With Fewer Restrictions

4/1 - NJ Spotlight: A Coronavirus Checklist to Help Keep NJ Residents Informed

3/30 - Nonprofit Quarterly: COVID-19: Using a Racial Justice Lens Now to Transform Our Future

3/26 - City of Newark Creates $6 million fund for Non-Profits, arts organizations, resident, businesses, and homeowners

3/23 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Federal Aid Plan for Nonprofits Needs More Input From Black-Led Organizations

3/20 - Nonprofit Quarterly: A Growing Group of Foundations Pledge ‘No Business as Usual’

3/20 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Senate Bill would create ‘Universal Deduction’ & Expand Loans for Nonprofits

3/20 - Asbury Park Press: Digital Divide in Schools Will Affect Web-Only Lessons

3/17 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Grantmaker Responses for Nonprofits in Need Vary Widely

3/17 - Strategy & Action Philanthropy: 5 Things Funders Can Do Right Now to Help Nonprofits During This Crisis

3/17 - Trust-based Philanthropy Project: Philanthropy Needs To Trust Nonprofits Now More Than Ever

3/16 - Exponent Philanthropy: Market Volatility in the Face of COVID-19

3/16 - Philadelphia Inquirer: Free Wifi from Comcast

3/16 - Inside Philanthropy: Philanthropy Has a Duty to Respond Quickly to the COVID-19 Outbreak. Here’s How We Can Do It

3/16 - NJ Government recommendations on March 16, 2020

3/13 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: As Disasters Go, Coronavirus Impact on Philanthropy Unprecedented and ‘Crazy’

3/13 - Bloomberg: Nonprofits Prepare for Worst with Wealthy Losing Billions

3/12 - Forbes: Philanthropy: COVID19 Doesn’t Need to Slow You Down

3/12 - Inside Philanthropy: On the Frontlines of a Pandemic, Local Philanthropy Scrambles to Respond

3/12 - Many seniors face coronavirus fears while cut off from activities and social networks

3/12 - Independent Sector/Chronicle of Philanthropy: A Novel Opportunity to Strengthen Public Trust in the Nonprofit World

3/12 - NJ Spotlight: Sick Leave in NJ, What the Law Provides

3/12 - NJ Spotlight: Experience with Virtual Snow Days Helps NJ School Prepare for COVID-19 Closures

3/12 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Coronavirus ‘Rapid Response’ Funds Proliferate as Threat Grows

3/11 - NJ schools feed 500K kids for free. What happens if coronavirus closes them?

3/11 - Daily Beast: Will Coronavirus make America finally care about the homeless

3/11 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Coronavirus Is Hard on Nonprofits That Rely on Events

3/11 - Nonprofit Quarterly: Nonprofits Who Can’t Cancel: The Ones that Serve Those at Greater Risk of COVID-19

3/10 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: As Coronavirus Threat Continues, Experts Tell Nonprofits to Shore Up Reserves

3/9 - Nonprofit Times: Lessening the Risk of Coronavirus at Nonprofits

3/9 - Nonprofit Quarterly: Community Healthcare Centers Funding at Risk at Time of Health Peril

3/9 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: 6 Steps for Grant Makers to Take Now to Ensure Nonprofits Recover From Coronavirus Spread

3/8 - ROI-NJ: NJ Insurers Announce Coverage Related to Coronavirus

3/8 - Nonprofit AF: A few things for nonprofits and foundations to consider in light of the Coronavirus

3/5 - Washington Post: RWJF CEO Pens Opinion Piece on Coronavirus

3/5 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Coronavirus Giving Tops $1 Billion Worldwide

3/4 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Nonprofits Work to Protect Employees and Volunteers as Coronavirus Threat Grows

3/3 - Funders Respond to Coronavirus

3/3 - CDNet: Tech Tools Offered for Free During Outbreak

3/2 - FSG: COVID-19 – Seven Things Philanthropy Can Do by Lauren Smith, MD, MPH

3/2 - Chronicle of Philanthropy: Nonprofit Conference Attendees Worry About Coronavirus

2/18 - Professional Convention Management Association: Is Your Event (if cancelled) Covered by Insurance?


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