Public Social Benefits
Join Commissioner Suárez of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a candid discussion focusing on current priority areas within NJDCA and possible opportunities for New Jersey’s philanthropic community to partner with state government on areas of mutual concern.
Join the Pascale Sykes Foundation for a research summit as they welcome researchers, government officials, local and national non-profit leaders for this engaging and informative gathering.
Join the Council on Foundations and the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals to discuss why and how corporate philanthropy is acting to prevent the funding of hate and extremism.
Released in June 2014, this report lays out a vision and a bold plan of action to maximize the potential of philanthropy and the private sector to increase opportunity for boys and young men of color that benefits the entire country.
Attention to the role of gender is most useful with programs that seek to change unhealthy behaviors, such as reproductive health and teen pregnancy, gender-based violence, substance abuse and educational under-achievement.
This white paper examines the relationship between encouraging sustainable communities and enhancing access to opportunity for lower-income people and people of color.
The New Jersey Council for the Humanities has awarded 18 grants totaling $216,319 in its most recent grant round.
The FirstEnergy Foundation has donated more than $3.4 million to nearly 100 organizations across its service territory as part of "Investing with Purpose," a company initiative focused on supporting organizations that advance health and safety, workforce development, educational and social justice initiatives.