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Disaster Response/Relief

This is a summary of the final meeting report of the listening session convened by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Division for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health, and Community Resilience and co-hosted with Grantmakers In Health.

Audience: All Funders

Published by Foundation Center and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, this report provides a snapshot of funding for disasters by the largest U.S. foundations.

Audience: All Funders

This new report from CNJG and partners examines the response of foundations, corporations, and other institutional donors to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Numbering nearly 600, these funders have so far committed more than $380 million for relief, recovery and building efforts. The hard data and reflective observations in the report contribute to the growing body of knowledge that helps foundations and corporations be strategic and effective with their giving when disaster strikes.

Audience: All Funders
This research brief summarizes early findings from a survey commissioned by Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. to measure the ongoing impact of Hurricane Sandy, one year after the storm made landfall.
President Obama's Hurricane Sandy Task Force released this rebuilding strategy to serve as a model for communities across the nation facing greater risks from extreme weather and to continue helping the Sandy-affected region rebuild.
Sample disaster preparedness and recovery plans for foundations.
Audience: All Funders
Learn how to help victims of disasters in ways that comply with federal tax rules that apply to charitable organizations from the Internal Revenue Service.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
Release Date: September 20, 2022

Wells Fargo is donating $300,000 from the Wells Fargo Foundation to support three organizations providing urgent relief in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Fiona.

News Type: News
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Grantmaking
Release Date: January 15, 2016

Grant makers and nonprofits have a new resource to help boost their effectiveness when communities face major disasters like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. It includes information on community planning, rebuilding, legal services, housing, aiding vulnerable populations, and coordinating across local, state, and federal agencies.

News Type: CNJG News
Audience: All Funders
Release Date: June 13, 2013

This opinion piece is from Nina Stack, President of the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers.

News Type: CNJG News
