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The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers is pleased to release our annual look back at the Council’s robust programming, leadership initiatives and advocacy efforts.
We are pleased to share Strengthening Philanthropy in Newark Report to the Field 2013 – 2014 from the Office of the Newark Philanthropic Liaison. This report highlights a number of public-private partnerships guided by Liaison Jeremy Johnson.
After careful consideration, the CNJG Leadership and Policy Committee recommended the Council’s Board of Trustees should adopt the following formal position:
The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers supports simplification of the private foundation excise tax on net investment income to a flat rate.

The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers has joined with our colleagues at the Center for Nonprofits to support a new, national campaign from GuideStar, Charity Navigator and WiseGiving of the BBB.
On February 27, 2013, CNJG submitted a statement for the official record of the House Committee on Ways and Means hearing on the charitable deduction.
Nina Stack, President, Council of New Jersey Grantmakers, knows what is on the minds of people who give away money, both locally in New Jersey and nationwide. In this interview Nina tells us about her work with the Council and also what things are on the radar screens of grantmakers.